Can swimming help me stay fit while recovering from an injury?

While it is important to consult your doctor following any injury, swimming is a gentle, low-impact exercise loved by athletes during recovery.

Swimming is not only a beloved sport but also a highly recommended exercise for athletes during their recovery process. While it is crucial to seek medical advice after sustaining an injury, swimming offers a gentle and low-impact workout that can aid in the healing process. Unlike other high-impact activities, swimming minimizes stress on the joints and muscles, making it an ideal choice for athletes looking to stay active while allowing their bodies to recover. Whether it's a leisurely swim or a structured rehabilitation program, athletes can benefit from the therapeutic properties of swimming, promoting muscle strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. So, consult with your doctor and dive into the pool to embrace the healing power of swimming during your recovery journey. We offer every member a 25-minute Complimentary SwimFIT Trial Session to provide you with the opportunity to assess your swimming skills and experience firsthand what it's like to work with a coach. To book your complimentary session, please log into the app > Tap Training > Book My Complimentary SwimFIT.