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How much does a membership cost?

Membership pricing varies based on access.

We currently have these membership options that we offer online:

  • Our All-Gym Access Membership is $119.95 per month. It grants you access to all 8 FITNESS SF locations, including Marin, Oakland, Castro, Embarcadero, Fillmore, Mid Market, SOMA, and Transbay.
  • Our Marin Access Membership is $79.95 per month. This grants you access to Marin Only.
  • Our Oakland Access Membership is $59.95 per month. This grants you access to Oakland Only.

Upfront costs include prorated 1st Month + a Full Last Month. 

  • Prorated 1st Month - Covers your membership to the end of the current month.
  • Full Last Month - Applied to your final month of membership after your cancellation has been processed.

To get started at FITNESS SF, you can join online HERE.

*Billed on the 1st of every month. Membership must be auto-billed at least once prior to cancellation.